The leading global AI robotic company since 2008
UBTech Robotics : Global Leaders
Founded in 2012, in Shenzhen, China, UBTECH is the leading manufacturer of advanced toy and humanoid robots. Valued at over $5 billion, they are the main player in this growing sector and have very impressive plans for future expansion. Their mission is to bring a robot into every home.
Disney partnership
Working with Disney, UBTECH have brought to market a walking Stormtrooper robot, as we well as the Ironman Mk50 robot based on the Hollywood blockbuster 'Avengers – End Game'. Their robots have advanced features, such as augmented reality, multiple sensors, and life-like movement. Combined with a highly-rated and user friendly-app, these have been the first advanced ‘toy’ robots to offer such futuristic features.
Humanoid Walker Robots
UBTECH's plans to have a robot in every home would not come to fruition by offering just 'toys'. Their 'Walker' robot as shown at CES 2019, is one of the most advanced walking robots to be produced. It is able to navigate complex terrains and recognise people, whilst also capable of performing various tasks such as carrying objects and using kitchen appliances.
STEM Robots – Education
UBTECH's STEM range provides childen and hobbyists the power to construct and program robots, learning coding along the way. Schools nationwide are using their JIMU series for learning basic coding skills. The next generation are likely to grow up with robotics at home and it is essential that they learn the capabilities of these emerging technologies.
Distribution Success
Modus Brands have vast experience working with new Chinese companies that have huge potential for growth in Western markets. We think that the next 'Apple' brand will emerge from Shenzhen, China and have geared our business in bringing these brands to market.